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The Children’s Literature

The book “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter is a classic of children’s literature. Beatrix Potter used many visual elements to create different effects that have a big influence on readers’ perception of her stories. One of the most interesting of her techniques is design of the illustrations. It refers to the layout of elements and organization of the shapes. With help of design, the artist can produce different visual impressions. For example, in “The Tale of Peter Rabbit”, all illustrations are presented in the low-to-the-ground view, which makes the readers identify with Peter Rabbit. It enables them to see the situation the way the rabbit does. In the illustration that shows Mr. McGregor attempting to catch Peter, the little birds around Peter fly to different sides. It intensified the feelings of a small animal, which is terrified by the deadly threat. In the illustration, where Missis Rabbit tells her children to stay away from Mr. McGregor garden, the placement of Peter’s figure is outside and backwards to his mother and sisters. The readers can predict that Peter will disobey. When Peter stands near the locked door, his posture resembles human and the size of his tear is almost the size of his eye. The illustration increases the feeling of desperation; and the reader feels pity and compassion for the small animal. Therefore, with help of design, Beatrix Potter created effective illustrations.

There is big number of ABC books available for all ages from infants to adults. Each stage of child development has its peculiarities, so it is important to remember them while choosing an ABC book. The books for infants should have following characteristics: small in size, suitable to use inside the bath, with solid and thick pages that are easy to turn. The ABC books for the early age should have a single word and picture or contain rhymes because children at this age enjoy listening to rhythmic songs and texts. It should have the predictable pattern like one letter corresponds to the noun, so that a child can guess the next lesson. A good example is “ABC: A Child’s First Alphabet” that connects each letter to an object. Also, “Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z” shows pictures of different fruits and vegetables for every letter. The ABC books for toddlers should contain everyday actions and be entertaining, with touch-and-feel, peek-a-boo, lift-the-flap and other activities. On the other hand, preschoolers usually are able to name the letters of alphabet and recognize them. The ABC books for this age should have stories with simple plot or more complicated rhymes that can be accompanied by moves. They also may contain some simple tasks that stimulate imagination and problem-solving skills. For example, “The Alpha Kids Alphabet Book” offers three photographs next to each letter. The child would describe the simple kids’ activities using the pictures. There are also complex alphabet books that introduce complex subjects, like culture diversity, American history, some nature phenomenon. They are meant for older kids.

The legend is a type of literature work that tells a story happened in the recent past or present times. It may be based on true events that are exaggerated or embellished with unreal details. The reason for the exaggeration is to entertain, teach a lesson, or encourage listeners and readers to do something good. For example, the legend of Johnny Appleseed tells the story of a man, who was walking around frontier barefoot, giving people apples and talking to animals. In fact, John Chapman lived in Massachusetts. He planted orchards as a business. The reason he became a legend is that he introduced apples to Great Lakes area. On the other hand, myths are fully fictional stories that meant for explaining the phenomenon of nature or the structure of the world. A myth often has a non-human character as a main hero. For example, the myth of Pandora’s Box tells the story of a goddess, who let evil to come to the world.

Works Cited

AlphaKids. The Alpha Kids Alphabet Book. Houghton, 2000.

Ehlert, Lois. Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z. Harcourt, 1989.

Jay, Alison. ABC: A Child’s First Alphabet Book. Dutton, 2003.

Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Frederick Warne, 2016.

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